The Physics of The Scythe_setting the blade
Demonstration and Explanation for the settings of the Scythe blade in all three dimensions.
A complementary video for the book "THE SCYTHE- a modern tool for modern man".

The Physics of The Scythe_sharpening
Demonstration of the sharpening process.
A complementary video for the book "THE SCYTHE- a modern tool for modern man".

The Physics of The Scythe_cutting tree saplings
Demonstration in the Art of cutting Tree Saplings.
A complementary video for the book "THE SCYTHE- a modern tool for modern man".

The Physics of The Scythe_dew mowing
A short movie questioning the way of mowing during wet conditions.
A complementary video for the book "THE SCYTHE- a modern tool for modern man".

The Physics of The Scythe_the tai-chi of the scythe
Execution of the Tai-Chi for the Scythe swing, to establish the rythm and the biomechanics of the swing.
A complementary video for the book "THE SCYTHE- a modern tool for modern man".

The Physics of The Scythe_making new scythe blades
The making of new blades from steel sheet or from an old saw blade.
A complementary video for the book "THE SCYTHE- a modern tool for modern man".

The Physics of The Scythe_bushscything
Using the Scythe to cut down bushes...
A complementary video for the book "THE SCYTHE- a modern tool for modern man".

The Physics of The Scythe_the scythe and the wild garden
A video of a natural garden where grass areas are maintained with a Scythe only.
A complementary video for the book "THE SCYTHE- a modern tool for modern man".

The Physics of The Scythe_mowing in comfort
A description on how to mow with good ergonomics.
A complementary video for the book "THE SCYTHE- a modern tool for modern man".

The Splitting Axe
A comprehensive study and explanation of the physics of the Splitting Axe. The best axes on the market are compared and discussed.

The Swing of the Splitting Axe
An explanatory video about the swing technique using a Splitting Axe.

Splitting Wood in a Car Tire
Splitting wood inside a car tire to prevent the wood from falling down on the ground.